
today I...

...discovered an article about Tina Fey in Entertainment Weekly, read it, and found it more interesting than the 10 important things I needed to get done.

...chit-chatted with one of my bff's from FL and learned that she up 'n quit her job today. I feel so guilty that she's going to be spending money she doesn't have to come up to visit me in a few weeks.

...calculated that I brought in more money in sales than I made on my paycheck for all of last week. Sad.

...found out that my cabaret was listed in Time Out New York (online for now). And I was the one who wrote the press release and submitted it to them. Not a huge accomplishment, but I'm still excited. Now I'm just going to cross my fingers and pray that we'll get print coverage.

...began to regain some of my normal life. The children's show is over. Mother Nature has left the building!

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