
5 more things to know about me

1. My favorite color is black. I always include at least one article of clothing of said color in my ensemble. Most days, I'm sure it looks like I'm going to a funeral. But if I was, I would totally put the fun in funeral.

2. I'm conflicted about my feelings towards educational theater. More specifically, college productions. I attend shows my classmates are in. I participate in shows my classmates and I put together. Those tend to be pretty good. Yet, it's the professor directed productions that never come to full glory. I think the intent is there, but those shows are always missing (a) certain something(s). They're never all good, and frequently they are pretty bad. But I'm such the consummate hypocrite. I've been cast in 3 professor directed college productions and I didn't balk at any of those opportunities. Sorry guys.

3. I've got about 4 production ideas happening in my head at any given time. At least one to direct, one to write, one that's experimental, and one that's traditional. Frequently, there's crossover.

4. I've started a new mantra for my morning routine. In the shower or while I'm getting ready alone in the bathroom, I tell my self that I'm sexy and that I would do myself. Ask me in about a week if it's boosting my self confidence.

5. I searched around Facebook for classmates in high school a couple of weeks ago. With the exception of 2 people, I don't talk to anyone I was in school with. It seems that some of them have families, some haven't changed, and most still live in Florida. It only reminded me of how far I've gone with my life and how I need to get on the ball to make things happen and make my life fabulous before my 20 year reunion.

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