
I challenge me, myself and I

Susan Lori-Parks wrote a single play every day for 365 days. Morgan Spurlock ate fast food every day for 30 days to raise awareness about American obesity. The Barenaked Ladies sang, "it's been one week since you look at me" (hell, I needed something). What can I accomplish in 6 weeks?

Here is my mini-manifesto...Everyday, for the next 6 weeks, I'll be documenting my progress in two areas of my life that I will work on: my exercise routine and my theatre work. Everyday I will workout/exercise for at least, but not limited to, one hour. Everyday I will work on something theatre related such as, but not limited to, writing, researching, auditioning, production, etc. Everyday I will record my day's events by posting on this blog. Everyday I will be one step closer to realizing my dreams and improving my quality of life.

It's sorta Bridget Jones' Diary meets Supersize Me: but without the ciggies and the big macs.

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