
heard the news yet?

I'm sure all but the random person who reads my blog knows that I recently gave birth to a beautiful little girl. So, I'm not sure how often I'll be updating here, but I promise that I'll have rants and funny ditties that I'll want to occasionally share. For example...

I'm sitting at home, watching my other and my baby sleeping on the couch in front of me. I'm having a problem with a site that I'm trying to order from (it won't keep krap in the kart- and yes, that is an intentional misspelling, IPJ) and I'm trying to heal my very sore and very cracked nipples (yes, I'm being very blunt Isaac). I'm so completely heartbroken that I'm having problems nutritionally providing for my little girl. Pumping is a very very slow process right now, I'm feeding her almost every hour because she's getting so little milk, and I'm exhausted from the lack of sleep. It's so unfair and all I want to do is cry. I'm praying that it's not a serious infection and I am seeking the help of a lactation consultant. I hope it all works out soon. I desperately want her to grow up happy and healthy on breastmilk and not formula.

I've never felt so instantly in love before. It was a little different with my other. Several people in my life recognized that I was in love before I did and by the time I realized it it felt as if I was always in love with this person. With the baby, I look at her and I smile, perhaps cry a little (because I'm so happy), and shake my head in amazement that I was able to produce a miracle. I'm so lucky to be a mommy. Given my history with my birth parents, I feel a sense of pride when I hold her and drive to make sure I give her what I never received.

So in short, my love may keep me from writing often. I enjoy this blog community very much, but I absolutely adore my child.



Warning to BB: Don't freak out when you read this post. Just don't... please.

Are we ready? Alright. I went to the midwife yesterday to get checked out because I'm a little past due and something happened to me that wasn't one of those things I was told to look out for. I hate when that happens. I got checked up the skirt and had a fetal monitor strapped to me for 20 minutes (I have a new love for Lauren J for being hooked up to that thing while being in labor). Suffice to say, baby's doing awesome, daddy's calm, and mommy's waiting for a big obvious sign; like an Acme anvil being dropped on my head or something close to that.

Sometime around 1am this morning I started to feel uncomfortable. Really uncomfortable. Like changing-the-position-or-going-to-the-bathroom-doesn't-solve-it uncomfortable. Well, I am currently at home, still in my jammies, timing my frequent cramps. So far it's been inconsistent. For about half an hour I'll get the 30 second contractions ever 10 minutes, then I'll be 20 minutes without anything, then 30 second contractions every 5 minutes for 20 minutes. This might be Braxton-Hicks (aka false labor) contractions. Nothing to call the midwife about. (For those of you not in the know, true labor, more often than not, has a predictable pattern that begins with contractions that last for 30 seconds, ever 10 minutes, for an hour or more. The contractions then begin to increase in length of time and occur closer together as the baby nears.)

All I can think is: when will I start to notice a pattern? I wonder if I can take Tylenol for this pain? And, how can I get my hands on a big bowl of Pasta Carbonara? I might be more concerned with the pasta than anything else at this point. But that's okay.

Don't worry, as soon as I end up going to the hospital the phone-tree will begin. In the mean-time hang tight, cross your fingers for me, and will someone please stop by with a pasta lunch for me?


well, someone appreciates my gratitude

*Photo courtesy of Lauren J and the bean. Also, brought to you by the letter "A." Awwww.


banter, with a side of baby

The following is a text conversation that took place between IPJ and myself yesterday. The texts were edited to be legible (primarily because I'm a horrible speller) for the reader.

IPJ: Baby hat mach two finished. Are you free tomorrow? I'm done at 11.
me: Yeah, but I'm staying close to home. 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. Can you make it out this way and I can meet you for dessert-lunch near the subway?
IPJ: Ew. Could we meet around 2 or 3 or is that too late?
me: No, that's great. Just let me know when you are available and I'll meet you. Does a Greek dessert sound like a good lunch?
IPJ: That's not code for eating like a pudding made out of your broken water is it? I'm going to try to shop for a bed tomorrow then head up to your area afterward.
me: Um haha no! Where would you get that idea (nervous laugh). Hope your bed shopping is successful.
IPJ: They just made that on Iron Chef. The secret ingredient was baby!
me: I bet it tasted like chicken.
IPJ: But like three times as expensive! Baby prices have gotten out of control.
me: I won't eat baby. Do you know how they're treated? Veal has a more humane existence than baby does.
IPJ: Oh please. Babies don't have feelings.
me: Pu-leeze. I see those commercials that have Sarah McLaughlin singing "In the Arms of an Angel" and the sad pitiful faces of the babies in cages.
IPJ: Left wing liberal propaganda. Those were probably her kids in a set up shot. If you don't support baby eating you don't support America!
me: Oh, just because I have an opinion that makes me a socialist.
IPJ: This was the best text conversation I've ever had. Also, I know you are but what am I?
me: This is soo going on my blog for the world to experience.


did you rock the vote?

I stumbled across an article in the Times about this past Tuesday's mayoral election. You should read it. I thought this would be a piece that would feed my loathing for a person who circumvented the law for their own desire. Instead, I ended up being as equally upset at someone else. The registered voter who does not vote. Note the percentage of people in this town who actually voted.

*****DISCLAIMER: The following is a rant. Read at your own caution. The writer of this post/blog is not responsible for any frustration or physical reaction you may experience while reading this post.*****

PEOPLE, you can't have an opinion about politics unless you participate in the political system. The most basic way for you to do that is to vote. Yes, your vote does count. If you took the time to register you should take the time to go to the polls. You think that not voting is a statement. You think that voting for the lesser of two major party evils is effective. Horseshit! This city does a slightly better than good job on informing and introducing candidates to the voters. I don't know about you, but I got a printed publication in the mail, for free mind you, that told me who was running for which office in my voting districts. Primary and general elections. For a group of people who like to get on tv and complain about their crooked landlords, how a business did them wrong, or what bad people the police are, New Yorkers sure don't like to take the time out to flip a few knobs or punch a few holes in a ballot, even though it's their right and responsibility to do so.

does this mean i'm one of your friends in low places?

Well, it's been 3 days since I've said something like, "No, I don't even have one ticket. If I had a ticket I wouldn't tell you the show was sold out, now would I." (sigh) I've been home, by myself, trying to prepare for baby. Last minute dusting and laundry and shopping. (ugh) Domestic duties.

So hard to get out of the routine that is work. I miss my co-workers who are also my friends. So I miss my friends. Alot. Who's going to call me around noon and say "What are you doing for lunch, preggo?" Who's going to try to talk to me through a wall? Who's going to sing songs about vegetables? Who? The baby won't, that's for sure. She'll be nice to me. She won't call me a dirty slut or a cheap whore or a nasty bitch. But I do miss those terms of endearment. I miss my other non-work related friends too. All of them. I just want to go out shopping, or to a restaurant for brunch, or to a play. I guess I'm preparing a life of friends coming over to coo and smile over the baby, of play-dates, of doctors appointments, of mommy and me classes, of mommy and me everything. I'm looking forward to it, even if my voice is the only one I'll hear for 8 -10 hours most days. (waaaahhh)

Please ignore my whine. The loneliness must be setting in pretty deep. Perhaps I should find one of these to talk to:

Naaa. I'll walk down the road of loneliness, but I won't travel the path of craziness. Yet. The baby and I will be just fine.


the truck of revelations

I've been meaning to post these pictures for a while. These were taken on my summer road trip.

Ah-hm, close up please.


there's a hole in your logic

The news is promoting lies... LIES I tell you!

Get a load of this headline I found online today:
Foods that make you sad. It was found underneath this picture:

Now, let's get real. Have you ever encountered a donut that made you sad? A little feh, perhaps. But never sad. Glazed, powered, chocolate frosted, Boston cream, old fashioned, jelly filled, and all of the holiday inspired seasonal donuts like the pumpkin spiced ones that are out right now.

Who ARE these people that are allowed to put this rubbish online? If I saw them on the street I'd kick them in the balls, and then feel bad about the violence I inflicted, and then make myself feel better by getting and eating half a dozen munchkins. See, donuts do make things all better.