
do you know what happend to fonzie and vinnie barbarino?

If I'm upset, who do I have in my life to tell that to and to just support me without judgement?

Today, I am not doing well. I spent my evening defending someone, defending myself, and defending this blog. All for what? So when I told someone about my day's problems, so I could get it all off of my chest, that they wouldn't really be interested, so they would think that I was overstepping my boundaries, and so they would take what I write on this blog literally and get offended over it? It sucks hard.

All I want is a hug and some reassurance, and I've directly asked for that, and I can't get it. I'm also afraid to ask for that from anyone else. I don't want to appear needy. I feel too numb to cry about this, which is what I really want to do right now. That sucks hard, too.

BTW... if you are wondering about the title of this post, its from the Wedding Singer. It's in the scene where Robbie and Sammy are in the bar and Sammy tells Robbie that he's miserable and he used to idolize people like the Fonz and Vinnie Barbarino. Long story short, nobody wants to see an old dude hit on chicks. All he wants is for somebody to hold him and tell him everything's going to be okay. Me too.

Today's moral: I'm too old to hit on chicks.


mynewshoes said...

First: Girls are never too old to hit on chicks. Only guys are. That's my double standard for today.

I'm glad you're still writing. AND, maybe with the privacy setting you'll feel more free to express yourself even more openly...

There are lots of us out here who support you and all you're going through! Let's make plans soon!


laurenj said...

I am sorry that SOMEONE is being such a loser. I think that the blogging issue is very interesting these days. I also just found out that some extended family members read mine and it makes me really look back at what I write...I'm glad you're going to keep writing, though, even though it's just for a few of us! I say "BOO TO CENSORSHIP!" and "YAY TO TARA!"