
ornaments, and garland, and sleet, oh my!

Christmas time, for me these days, has a bit of a surreal quality to it. I grew up in Florida and never saw real snow until I moved up here in 2001. We had real Christmas trees and garland and traditional decorations and the parade and all of that. But Christmas never had that Norman Rockwell quality to it that I thought all the little boys and girls in the northern states got to experience. But to be able to experience the sterotypical qualities of the holidays (ie. snow, cold weather, chunky sweaters, fuzzy scarves et al) is a new experience for me.

Now that I'm here, I can't help but to notice that Christmas doesn't excite me as much as it used to. Perhaps it is because I am either at work or school during most of my waking hours, but would this excite you during the holidays? Well, I'm sure that would excite you no matter the time of year. When I saw him in Times Square after Thanksgiving I couldn't help but think, "What? No wreath?" But then I thought, "where would he hang it?"

I have yet to put up my faux tree, or as I like to call it my everlasting evergreen. I have lots of decorations that need to be hung and displayed and that will helpfully get me back into a holiday sort of mood. It's also something that's in the mind too. I started to get into the Christmas feeling today by listing to Isaac's Charlie Brown Christmas c.d. The fresh untouched snow that I walked on this morning helped too. It's a start.

1 comment:

ipj said...

I have an article you should read about plastic Christmas trees. Go ask Isaac for it.