

Hey boys and girls! We are going to play a fill-in-the-blanks quiz today. For the following statements, please use one of the words in the title above. There are no wrong answers, but I do reserve the right to change my mind about that.

1. I am ______ because tonight is my last session with my yoga teacher, Francisca. She's leaving for more yoga training.

2. I am ______ because I took it easy on the sweets and other sugary goodies this weekend. It usually makes me feel retched.

3. I am ______ because I've been getting mixed messages from various people about my abilities and talents.

4. I am ______ by the fact that I have about 20 things to do and I don't know where to start.

5. I am ______ because I'm going to send off for my free Cadbury Clucking Bunny by mail today.

6. I am ______ because Saturday will be the first performance for the children's show I am performing in.

7. I am ______ because my other is coming to the show and he has never seen me perform before.

8. I am ______ because we discussed Brecht in class today and I couldn't stop thinking about orientalism in his work.

9. I am ______ because I feel my horoscope is off. I'm not sure if I have it in me to be mentally alert, sharp, and on your toes today.

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