
is it bad that...

...I find the whole cute usher and Isaac thing soooooooo adorable because I know cute usher and Isaac and they are so cute on their own but are cuter together?

...I don't feel the womb urges that Laurenj feels? Most people my age have kids by now, but I don't feel the calls of the wild, or of motherhood, right now?

...I guilted a friend of mine not to go to a lounge in her 'hood (bfe queens) and convinced her to stay in Manhattan because I didn't want to stay out late, but went out to dinner with her, shared a bottle of wine and still stayed out late?

...I have a birthday party to go to tomorrow and I still haven't bought the birthday girl a present yet?

...after two birthday "wait-staff-singing-happy-birthday-to-you" ambushes I managed to finagle my way out of a 3rd through shear luck and not because of my cunning ways, like I occasionally do?

...I'm typing this post, buzzed on wine, high on life, instead of going to bed? I don't think so.

1 comment:

Isaac said...

Can't wait to see you tomorrow!