
all by myself

My other is away from the homestead tonight. When the boy is out to play I have to fend for myself, which is fine. So, I spent my evening alone being pitiful. After eating a pound of Indian food for lunch followed by a shared bag of bbq potato chips and half of a chocolate chocolate chip cookie, in which I had the bigger half, I came home and finished off a half eaten box of uber-fancy chocolates, a micro mac-n-cheese meal, some pineapple, and a ginger ale. I should point out that the mac and the ale were organic before any of you get uppity on me.

Anyway, the even more pitiful moment came when I flipped through the channels and landed on Shall We Dance. When I saw Richard Gere, in full tux and rose in hand, ride up an escalator of a department store to his wife, Susan Sarandon, I started crying as if I were watching Titanic all over again. "I'll never leave you, Jack." What a wuss! Of course, I didn't watch the movie from the beginning. I only saw the part where he started to put on his dancing shoes up to the part where he came in the ballroom to dance the final dance with J.Lo. I immediately flashed back to Dirty Dancing, stopped crying, rolled my eyes, and finished off the last bit of chocolate that I thought I couldn't finish. Guess I found the strength, or at least the inspiration.

1 comment:

laurenj said...

Good heavens, i love dancing movies. They are possibly the most delightful guilty pleasure ever. Although, as ZPJ pointed out during the STEP UP 2 THE STREETS preview..."wouldn't this be better if this movie was just all dancing instead of ABOUT dancing? Why do they have to talk?"