
weekend update

Can't you feel the air getting colder? Wish me well, peeps. My 'rents are arriving tomorrow. I get so anxious when I think of them. Imagine Harry Potter and the rest of the Peanuts gang when they sense the Death Eaters arriving.

You may recall from an earlier post that my folks purchased their plane tickets and then asked me if it was alright to come visit. You also may recall that this weekend is my birthday and that my mom thought that their being here would be just want I wanted as my present. There's a reason I moved from 1244.10 miles away from them (you think I'm producing some arbitrary number? Ha, ha! That's the actual amount of miles from my apartment to their house).

I was, initially, going to take my parents to see a Broadway show. But which one? I considered what the two of them would sit through, what was actually good, what I would sit through, what I could afford, and what would be available for a Saturday night. Well, I tried to get tickets for The 39 Steps (brilliant show) and they didn't take my discount because it's not applicable for Saturday evening performances. I tried to get August: Osage County (I would see it a hundred times over) and they didn't have the section I wanted. I said no to The Seafarer, they wouldn't get it. I said no to The Farnsworth Invention, they wouldn't see past Hank Azaria's star power. I said no to Rock n Roll, they would want to leave during intermission. I said no to all musicals, just no for my sake!

Finally, a dear friend of mine mentioned that Joe Perry, you know, the lead guitarist from Aerosmith, would be playing at the Hard Rock on Saturday night and she thought that my parents would be interested, based on what I've told her about them. Hmmm? Interesting. So I call my parents.

me "Hey, dad? Would you and mom be interested in seeing Joe Perry in concert?"
dad "Hey, honey? Do you want to see Joe Perry in concert?"
mom "Do you mean I want to see Aerosmith? Yes!"
dad "No, just Joe Perry."
mom "Why is Joe Perry in a concert without Aerosmith?"
dad "I don't know. Do you want to go."
mom "Okay. Hopefully Steven Tyler will be there."

Is it just me, or can you feel it too?


1 comment:

Isaac said...

I love that you just likened your parents to Death Eaters! That's hilarious.