
it's a new day

Today is the day that my creativity, desire, and drive came back to me. Mind you, this may all change by tomorrow, but today I'm going with the feeling. This morning I was putting the final touches on a summary paper due for a class, and as always I was distracted by a recent posting on ipj's blog. At that moment I wanted to share more of my experiences related to his posting. Thus, a blogger is born.

I've been posting comments on friends blogs for some time. I frequently feel like an outsider to a group that I know I'm a part of, posting witty quips here and there. Well, today I decided that I'm going to stop being just the observer-commenter and start posting my own damn thoughts and experiences. I am very inspired by some dear blogger-friends and I hope that your great posts keep me going.

I frequently feel creative spurts of inspiration but lately I haven't had much fuel in the tank. I need to be more disciplined and I hope that by writing this blog I will develop a good habit (as opposed to my bad habits, like starting to write a paper 10 hours before it's due).

So, here's to a new start.