
that's so 1999

Call me a procrastinator, call me behind the trend, call me for dinner, but don't, and I mean don't, judge me for finally liking a hit tv show that I refused to keep up with when I was 20.

All of a sudden, I'm all about The West Wing.

And all of a sudden, I've got a huge actor crush on just about everyone on that cast. I've always liked Aaron Sorkin's writing. As an actor, how could I not? Witty, fast paced dialogue with a simple yet complex and highly intriguing story line.

Because I don't want to get a head of myself, I should be cautious and say that I've only completed the first season. Perhaps by season 4 I'll be yelling at the tv and foaming at the mouth for having sat through the same monotonous bull shit that entangled me the first time Rob Lowe gave a monologue about the importance of schools being palaces of learning and how they should be the responsibility of the federal government (OMG that part was so sexy by the way).

Maybe I'll be happy that I finally became a devoted follower of an amazingly crafted episodic series. I over-cautiously lean towards me experiencing an eventual disenchantment because I vividly remember how I threw a shoe at my tv half way through season 3 of 24 because I refused to believe that for the 3rd day Jack Bauer didn't have to go to the bathroom or pull up to a drive-through for burger or something. I know, suspension of disbelief, and yada, yada.

Check back in 4 years when I finally have time for The Sopranos, Weeds, Mad Men, Lost, The Wire, etc, etc, to see if I've finally become a belated fan or not. I'm too busy watching 30 Rock to have time for anything else.


laurenj said...

i love the west wing!!!! After the 5th season it kind of falls apart because there was a different writing/directing team, but by then you love the characters so unconditionally you put up with it.

good to see you today!

ipj said...

I hope you really did throw a shoe at your TV.