
leaving on a jet plane

In a little over a week, I'll be on a plane to South Florida. "Is it spring break already," you ask? Spring break is like happy hour for me I suppose some of you (Isaac, IPJ) will say. But no, I'm heading down to the land of the hanging chad to spend a few days with my 'rents. Or, as I like to call it, the 3 hour plane ride to Dante's outer circle of hell (which is limbo if you're not versed in The Inferno).

I hope it will be a chill week. I'll come up with a few talking points that I'll put on index cards to keep conversations going between my parents and myself. I have to make sure the following subjects are not on the table during my trip...family planning (in all forms), marital relationships (specifically mine), and theatre. I put in the last one because I know that's what my dad uses as a subject when he's trying to relate to me or when he doesn't have anything else to say and he's avoiding silence. Thank goodness I have basic Trivial Pursuit-like range of knowledge to say a little something about almost everything. On a side note, that's what makes me a good date at parties.

I will also be taking a day off from them to see my two bffs. I could totally use an espresso milkshake (there's a great coffeehouse in downtown West Palm Beach that has amazing shakes) and a girly movie with them right now.

One friend bought a new house and the other is in the midst of an out-of-state adoption. I shake my head in disbelief because I can't recall when they surpassed me in mental and spiritual age (ironically, I'm the oldest of the three). I listen to them talk about amortized mortgages and family law and I just nod my head in agreement to show that I'm listening, but I'm on the phone with them when I do that so they can't see me nod my head, and it's beyond my experiences and I have to stop ranting and typing like I'm a lunatic.

No matter what happens, and despite the 50 degree difference, I'll be very happy to come back home. After all, what happens there will stay there. Until I rehash it and cry about on my blog.

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