
when pigs fly

I'm sorry to say that this article caused me to roll my eyes and say, "as if!" The long awaited TKTS booth will return to its original location in October. Pauh-leeze. It's been like, what, 10 years since the booth left the pigeon ridden Duffy Square to the wonderfully convenient location of Broadway and 46th Street on the north side of the Marriott Marquis hotel. Every so often, on playbill.com, you'd read an article about yet another delay in the construction of the new booth. I was beginning to think that the fiberglass staircase to the 2nd floor of the Olive Garden (look at it guys, it just seems to led to there) was never going to happen.

This is seriously nothing to get excited over. I don't even know why I'm writing about this. What's wrong with me? Why am I so perturbed over a glued down ticket trailer opening or not opening. Why isn't there better news on the AP? First Gay Aiken, now this. Somebody please send me a news article about the economy or about the presidential race or about the latest person getting kicked off of Dancing with the Stars. Help!

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