

As found in an online article, written by Julie Hirschfeld Davis of the Associate Press. Published Monday September 15, 2:47 PM ET, regarding Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin:

"She's a down-to-earth mom like me," (Jan) Thibault, a customer service representative from St. Augustine, Fla., said of Palin. "She has a basic knowledge of what it means to be middle class."

My response...

I have a basic knowledge of how to fly an airplane, of how to deliver a baby, and of how to disarm a nuclear bomb. But that does not mean that I am qualified to do any of the afore mentioned. In fact, after her interview with ABC's Charles Gibson, I doubt that Sarah Palin has a basic knowledge of how the government works or the current political issues of the day.

As found in an New York Times article about Palin's governing style by Jo Becker, et al, published September 13, 2008:

"Interviews show that Ms. Palin runs an administration that puts a premium on loyalty and secrecy."

My response...

So does the mafia. Gov. Palin's consistently reported style of using fear tactics (as there is no line between personal and business with her), and using extreme measures to remove those who oppose her, shows that there is little difference between her camp and the mafia. DISCLAIMER: I am in no way saying that Gov. Palin has ever attempted to put a hit on anyone (as least the evidence that is reported doesn't support that). I'm just criticizing her behavior and procedures. It's my first amendment right to do so.

I guess you'll know the punchline to this joke. What's the difference between Sarah Palin and mafia godfather? Middle-class hockey mom, my ass.

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