
attack of the cutey-patooty

Kansas's new cat Murphy (who for some reason... and I don't know why... I want to call Harley) is the cutest kitten I have seen in ages. I finally got off my keester and went over for a visit this evening. The kitten was so cute, and I mean soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute, that I could barely watch the season premier of ANTM that was on the tv when I was there. That's how cute.

Murphy cuddled in my arms, she cuddled in Kansas's arms, played attack-cat with one of her toys, assumed the part of feline sentinel on the window sill, all before she proceeded to take her cat nap. I was so sad to leave. I did tell Kansas that when she wasn't looking I would stuff Murphy in my shirt to take her home. "Oh well, I guess if your cat doesn't want to say bye. What's that bulge in my shirt, you ask? Oh, you know. It's that time of the month. Really bloated."

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