
and the winner is...

Well boys and girls, it looks like Kansas and I tied in our unofficial 1st annual 62nd Annual Tony Awards survey. Thank you to all of the people whom we predicted would win (winners we got right are highlighted in the previous Tony post). And to the others, well... better luck next year.

I have to say that I was more excited about the plays this past season than anything else. Don't get me wrong, I love a good musical as much as the next girl and I love a great musical even more. But this was the year where I saw more plays than I could shake a stick at, and for the most part they were all wonderful. It was a good year for drama-viewing for me.

And speaking of shows... my one-act is going well, thanks for asking. I completed two out of five scheduled performances. The audience seems to be enjoying it. My energy and comfort level were much better on Sunday than it was on Saturday (opening). The playwright and the director were encouraging and gave me great support. As long as they think I'm doing well, that's all I could hope for.

So, with that said, I'm going to go to sleep now. Yeah, I know that I'm at work and all, but any chance I can get in a little shut-eye I'll take it. Don't judge.

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