
pie wishlist

...which is what Kansas saw when she read my text analysis paper that had the title "play worksheet." But a pie wishlist sounds so much better than a play worksheet. So, here it is...my Desert Island Top 5 Pie Wishlist:

1. Key Lime. Only my grandmother's recipe though. It's one of those secret-I'll-take-it-to-the-grave type of things.
2. Chocolate Cream. Topped high with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.
3. Pumpkin. Classic. Never gets old. I'll eat it anytime. Breakfast, lunch or dinner. With or without whipped cream.
4. Sour Cream Apple Walnut. This is a very particular pie. Only found at the Little Pie Company. If I were to have a cake substitute it would be this pie.
5. Pecan. I'm southern, so by law I have to love this pie. And not just any recipe. The only one that will do is the recipe found on the back of the Karo syrup bottle. I made a gluten-free version for Kansas for her last birthday (using a pre-made gluten-free pie shell of course) and cut back on the sugar by a 1/3 and it was a pretty darn tasty pie, if I do say so myself.

Mmmm, I know what I'm having for lunch today!

1 comment:

kansas said...

i'm always ready for bring your pie to work day....