
ask and ye might receive

I check my horoscope on several sites (what if one of them gets it wrong? I've got to cover all of my bases). Today, I found this on one of my usual haunts:

"The universe can give you whatever you need, but you will have to ask for it first!"

For starters, that sounds an awful-lot like the Secret, doesn't it? And secondly, I do ask... often. I ask my other if we can get along and I'm not getting that. I ask that my 'rents get off my case about certain issues and I'm not getting that. I ask for certain things spiritually and physically and I'm not getting that. What in the hell am I doing wrong?

I am a firm believer that I have to make things happen rather than ask for things to happen. I know that there are certain things that are within my control and others aren't. And those things I can't control I must have patience with. And I am trying to, god knows I am.

So, fuck you anonymous horoscope site, for giving me such shitty advice today!

See you tomorrow?

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