
veggie might

me: 0
tofu: 1

I try, not ever so hard, to make a more concerted effort to eat a more vegetarian diet. That means that I would be learning how to cook more vegetarian meals. I love eating tofu when I'm out at a restaurant or for take out. I wish I could cook with it.

Hence the marinating and pan frying tofu story. It's not a very good story, but it will have a point at the end, I promise.

So... I marinated tofu. Exciting start, huh? I had a Newman's Own lemon-pepper marinade, that I've used before for chicken that I had success with, that I wanted to use again. I cut the tofu, I drained the tofu, I pressed the water out of the tofu. I marinated the tofu. In the fridge it went to wait for me to come home from work that night.

I came home and pan fried the tofu (why not) and made a few other vegetarian side dishes. Well, the side dishes were wonderful. Braised Brussels sprouts and mashed sweet potatoes. The tofu... well... I'm not sure if it was the marinade or my cooking technique, but the tofu steaks did not turn out as good as I hoped. I was under the false impression that it would come out good no matter what I did. Alas.

What is the point of the story you might ask? It is to prove my ineptness when it comes to cooking a la vegetarian. So, can someone, anyone, please send me a fail safe recipe or words of encouragement? I can't move on in my life until I feel that I can effectively use tofu in a recipe other than stir-fry. I am, from here on out, stunted until further notice.

1 comment:

laurenj said...

I've never had luck marinating tofu, but you can buy pre-marinated tofu that's pretty good.

Also, I kind of love just frying the shit out of the stuff in about a half inch of olive oil. Not the healthiest, but its crunchy and yummy.