
I regret to report the following information

I received a one-two punch this afternoon while reading one of my favorite local news sources, Gothamist. At your own caution, please read this article.

Now, I loves me the grits. When I see grits offered on a New York City restaurant menu my inner child jumps up an down with joy, and, of course, I order them. And when I have the time, I will make grits at home (to be more exact, cheese grits, yum!). I never knew that you weren't supposed to inspect your grains (ie, grits, rice, quinoa, etc) before you cooked them. I just thought was something everyone did, you know, to check for pebbles and bugs. Oops. My bad for assuming. Apparently, basic food preparation, and basic respect for grits, is not something this restaurant is concerned with.

Too bad, because secondly, this restaurant was on the cupcake challenge list of places to purchase from in the future. It looks like we'll have to strike it off of the official roster. Can't you see the comments now? Cake: 6. Crunchy and full of protein. Dee-lish.

1 comment:

laurenj said...

I think that the situation in that article justifies walking out of the restaurant. getting charged for worms????