
as if I needed another reason

We, the people of the box office, in order to form a more perfect day, hate, hate, hate, HATE going to the Duane Reade on Broadway between 42nd and 43rd Streets, and try to find reason beyond reason to avoid it. Not only do they have about 2/3 less snack food inventory than the Readage on 42nd and 8th has, not only are the people who work there less caring and less on top of their jobs than their counterparts on the west side are, but now it is more dangerous to walk to that particular location.

As found in my favorite local news source, Gothamist, glass fell from one of the upper floors of 1 Times Square yesterday. As construction continues on the desperately awaited Walgreens that will soon grace our neighborhood in said building, material from a level that is not being worked on crashed onto a car below. Thankfully, nobody was hurt.

It's not the flying debris from one of the superfluous construction projects in the Times Square area that concerns me. It's the inconvenience of having a drugstore, in possibly one of the best locations ever imagined because it is so close to my office, having one more strike against it. If only I didn't have to walk a half of block further so I can get staples such as baked cheesy puffs and lime corn chips. What a life I could have had.

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