
me want fresh brew

I am soooooo happy and excited about giving birth. We (now seems like a good time to start talking in the collective sense that comprises baby and mommy) have a little under 4 weeks until our due date. Which means 2 weeks preceding and 2 weeks following the magic day are my bumper "it's okay if the baby is a little early or late" weeks. I hope I have everything. Crib? Check. Diapers? Check. Blankets? Check. Food source? Double check. I think we're prepared.

For the sake of disclosure, I must admit that I, she who writes this blog, said out loud to my offspring, as I was rubbing my tummy in the area where the baby was kicking, "I can hardly wait for that latte." Uh-oh! Crap! What did I say to my child? I didn't proclaim I was anxious for her arrival. And I didn't tell her that I'll be relieved when I can hold her. No, I think I insinuated that I have a desire to have her out of my body so I can guzzle a coffee. Does that make me a bad mother? Can I take it back? Does she really hear what I'm saying? Damn! What if she can read my thoughts as I'm typing this blog?

Okay, deep breath. My unnaturally strong desire for a coffee will pass. It'll be fine. Until I meet my other at the Starbucks down the street from my obstetrician's office today, and I smell that Sumatra blend, and I salivate as I watch the barista make shot after shot of extra strong espresso, and then I climb over the counter (baby bump and all) and shove the barista out of my way, and start to eat straight coffee beans.

And after that, I'll really be okay.

1 comment:

BB said...

Wonderful images. Ha "Double Check." Good one.