
keep it focused

Yesterday, at Lamaze class, the group watched a video of 3 different vaginal births. My favorite was a couple from Boston named Marge (I think that was her name) and Carl. Thick Boston accents make me laugh for some reason. That they had a focal point for Marge to rely on made me laugh for some reason. That their focal point was a 3x5 picture of their cat made me laugh even more. That Carl asked Marge a couple of time during labor, even while she was in the shower, if she wanted her focal point made me loose it.

After the movie, the Lamaze teacher told us a focal point was a good idea, but it should be something bigger, like a small poster. Well, imagine if you were in labor, and your partner asked you if you wanted your focal point and this was it:

Wouldn't you just slap them? Yeah, me too.

1 comment:

BB said...

I hope someone was standing by to catch that cat when it fell. It's cruel. And so is using that poster as a focal point.