
its the most (______) time of the year

I just re-read my last blog post. Damn it was long and I'm sorry to all who read that rant.

Anyway, it's getting to be that time of the year when the air is getting crisp, and the stores are stocking garland and ornaments, and there are more stupid tourists on New York City streets. Yes, I'm talking about the winter holiday season that includes (amongst others) Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Festivus.

This time, to me, means only a few more weeks of school, hot chocolate, soup and grilled cheese for dinner 4 times a week, and rushing around to get my holiday shopping, card mailing, and baking done. Whew! Part of me badly wants to be a 10th of what Martha Stewart is, but part of me realizes that I'm only one woman without an entire gaggle of production assistants behind me. By the way, click on the Martha link... don't you want to make that too?

Alas... as today's story goes, I asked my boss for her new address so I could mail her out a Christmas card. She said, "that wasn't subtle." I smiled and said that I had the intent of having all of my holiday cards ready for mailing by the weekend after Thanksgiving. With that comment, in her eyes and words (loosely quoted, of course) I went from not-so-subtle to being crazy. By the way, another sign that the holidays are approaching is the ever increasing amount of craziness in the air.

For your holiday enjoyment, I found "Turkey Flibriks" for you to play. Warning: if you are offended by traditional Anglo-carnivor cartoon symbols of Thanksgiving this game is not for you. Turn away now! But if your not so inclined to be offended by a cartoon turkey have fun. It's like playing that memory card game we all played as kids. Good times.

Speaking of offense, what's up with this?


ipj said...

What? Haven't you ever heard of Tofukey? It's good. I think maybe you're just going on the defense because you know eating meat is wrong.

tarak said...

What? Of course I've heard of Tofukey. It's because I think that eating turkey-tasting tofu is wrong.

mynewshoes said...

I see your tofurkey and raise you one of these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turducken